Optimizing Problem-Solving Skills in First Grade: A Project-Based Learning Model Enhanced by Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi


  • Siti Sarah Maulida Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Sastrawan Banuharli Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Saparwadi Saparwadi Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Nursali Nursali Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Sanuardi Sanuardi Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Rita Kartika Murni Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Nuraini Nuraini Universitas Hamzanwadi




Lesson Study, Learning Model, Project-Based Learning


This research examines the implementation of School-Based Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi with a focus on improving the quality of teacher learning. Field data indicates that some students have not reached the target for learning quality, especially in group problem-solving skills. The research is focused on improvement through planning, implementation, and evaluation cycles (Plan-Do-See). Cycle I focuses on visual arts learning about shapes, while Cycle II emphasizes group problem-solving through practical baking activities. Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi has advantages in encouraging student interaction and fostering creativity but needs to address drawbacks such as a relatively long implementation time and student resistance to group learning.


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How to Cite

Sarah Maulida, S., Banuharli, S., Saparwadi, S., Nursali, N., Sanuardi, S., Kartika Murni, R., & Nuraini, N. (2024). Optimizing Problem-Solving Skills in First Grade: A Project-Based Learning Model Enhanced by Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi . IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 2(1), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.61277/ije.v2i1.79